Vue scss

OneUI Bootstrap Dashboard screenshot

OneUI is a best selling Bootstrap 5 admin dashboard template and UI framework available in HTML, Laravel 10, Vue 3 or PHP versions.

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:tada: A magical vue admin

Element screenshot

A Vue.js 2.0 UI Toolkit for Web

Vuetify screenshot

🐉 Vue Component Framework

NativeScript screenshot

⚡ Empowering JavaScript with native platform APIs. ✨ Best of all worlds (TypeScript, Swift, Objective C, Kotlin, Java). Use what you love ❤️ Angular, Capacitor, Ionic, React, Solid, Svelte, Vue with: SwiftUI, Jetpack Compose, Flutter and you name it compatible.

Element Plus screenshot

🎉 A Vue.js 3 UI Library made by Element team

Vue Admin Template screenshot

a vue2.0 minimal admin template

Chatwoot screenshot

Open-source live-chat, email support, omni-channel desk. An alternative to Intercom, Zendesk, Salesforce Service Cloud etc.

Eleventy screenshot

A simpler site generator. Transforms a directory of templates (of varying types) into HTML.

Bootstrap Vue screenshot

BootstrapVue provides one of the most comprehensive implementations of Bootstrap v4 for Vue.js. With extensive and automated WAI-ARIA accessibility markup.

Dashy screenshot



A self-hostable personal dashboard built for you. Includes status-checking, widgets, themes, icon packs, a UI editor and tons more!

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🔥 全面ESM+Vue3+Vite+Element-Plus+TypeScript编写的一款后台管理系统(兼容移动端)

Bootstrap Table screenshot

An extended table to integration with some of the most widely used CSS frameworks. (Supports Bootstrap, Semantic UI, Bulma, Material Design, Foundation, Vue.js)

Vuestic Admin screenshot

Free and Beautiful Vue 3 Admin Template

Primevue screenshot

Next Generation Vue UI Component Library

Soybean Admin screenshot

A clean, elegant, beautiful and powerful admin template, based on Vue3, Vite5, TypeScript, Pinia, NaiveUI and UnoCSS. 一个清新优雅、高颜值且功能强大的后台管理模板,基于最新的前端技术栈,包括 Vue3, Vite5, TypeScript, Pinia, NaiveUI 和 UnoCSS。

Vue Admin screenshot

admin template based on vuejs2 and element.

Soybean Admin screenshot

A clean, elegant, beautiful and powerful admin template, based on Vue3, Vite5, TypeScript, Pinia, NaiveUI and UnoCSS. 一个清新优雅、高颜值且功能强大的后台管理模板,基于最新的前端技术栈,包括 Vue3, Vite5, TypeScript, Pinia, NaiveUI 和 UnoCSS。

Publii screenshot



The most intuitive Static Site CMS designed for SEO-optimized and privacy-focused websites.

Laravel Boilerplate screenshot

The Laravel Boilerplate Project -

Vue Typescript Admin Template screenshot

🖖 A vue-cli 3.0 + typescript minimal admin template

Docuseal screenshot

Open source DocuSign alternative. Create, fill, and sign digital documents ✍️

I Hate Regex screenshot

The code for 😈 - The Regex Cheat Sheet

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Apostrophe screenshot

A full-featured, open-source content management framework built with Node.js that empowers organizations by combining in-context editing and headless architecture in a full-stack JS environment.

Keen UI screenshot

A lightweight Vue.js UI library with a simple API, inspired by Google's Material Design.

Coreui Free Vue Admin Template screenshot

Open source admin template based on Bootstrap 5 and Vue 3

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vue electron admin template web:

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A Laravel-Vue SPA starter kit.

Laravel Auth screenshot

Laravel 10 with user authentication, registration with email confirmation, social media authentication, password recovery, and captcha protection. Uses offical [Bootstrap 4]( This also makes full use of Controllers for the routes, templates for the views, and makes use of...

Vue Toastification screenshot

Vue notifications made easy!

Vue H5 Template screenshot

:tada:vue搭建移动端开发,基于vue-cli4.0+webpack 4+vant ui + sass+ rem适配方案+axios封装,构建手机端模板脚手架

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:star: MEVN Full stack JS web app boilerplate with NodeJS, Express, Mongo and VueJS

Vuesion screenshot

Vuesion is a boilerplate that helps product teams build faster than ever with fewer headaches and modern best practices across engineering & design.

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👍 A magical 🐮 ⚔ vue admin,记得star

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At Ui


A fresh and flat UI-Kit specially for desktop application, made with ♥ by Vue.js 2.0 (DEPRECATED)

Laravue screenshot

Admin dashboard for enterprise Laravel applications built by VueJS and Element UI

Vue Design System screenshot

An open source tool for building UI Design Systems with Vue.js

Motor Admin screenshot

Deploy a no-code admin panel for any application in less than a minute. Search, create, update, and delete data entries, create custom actions, and build reports.

Chakra Ui Vue screenshot

⚡️ Build scalable and accessible Vue.js applications with ease.

Vuesax Next screenshot

Vuesax v4: framework components for Vuejs

Page Transitions Travelapp screenshot

Travel App, Native-like Page Transitions

Vue Admin Box screenshot


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UI Component Library Base on Vue.js(2.x) and Bulma

Bento Starter screenshot

:bento: Full-Stack solution to quickly build PWA applications with Vue.js and Firebase

Nuxt3 Awesome Starter screenshot

a Nuxt 3 template and boilerplate with a lot of useful features. Nuxt 3 + Tailwindcss + Nuxt Layer

Vexip Ui screenshot

A Vue 3 UI library, highly customizability, full TypeScript, performance pretty good.

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Flask + Vue JS Template

Inkline screenshot

Inkline is the intuitive UI Components library that gives you a developer-friendly foundation for building high-quality, accessible, and customizable Vue.js 3 Design Systems.

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Distributed Application Starter: Vue front-end, Ethereum / IPFS Backend

Vue Demo screenshot

Vue.js 示例项目 · 简易留言板。本项目拥有完善的文档说明与注释,让您快速上手 Vue.js 开发 SPA。Webpack / ES6 + Babel / Vue Router / (Vue Resource?) / (Vue Validator?) / (Vuex?) —— An Excellent Vue Starter with Best Practice / 最佳实践

Vuetify Material Dashboard screenshot

Vuetify Material Dashboard - Open Source Material Design Admin by Creative Tim

Hexo Theme Aurora screenshot

🏳️‍🌈 Futuristic auroral Hexo theme.

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See readme for newer repo details! A sample shop that shows how to manage payments with Vue, Stripe, and Serverless Functions

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A Laravel-Nuxt starter kit.

Vue3.0 Template Admin screenshot


Oruga screenshot



🐛 Oruga is a lightweight library of UI components without any CSS framework dependency screenshot

📕 A website simulating linux system's GUI, using theme of Deepin distro. 网页模拟桌面

Element Plus Vite Starter screenshot

🌰 A starter kit for Element Plus with Vite

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ZircleUI screenshot

🚀 zircle-ui is a frontend library to develop zoomable user interfaces.

Laravel Boilerplate screenshot

Laravel Boilerplate / Starter Kit with Gentelella Admin Theme

Lew Ui screenshot

Lew Ui


A beautiful component library based on vue3

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❤️ Real world base Vue.js app. Access/refresh tokens auth, api services, http client, vuex modules

Litstack screenshot

Build content-administration-panels in Laravel

Vue Crud screenshot

Vue.js based REST-ful CRUD system

Awes Io screenshot // boilerplate based on Vue, Nuxt, TailwindCSS plus Laravel as a backend. 🤟

Vue Admin Spa screenshot

基于vue2.0生态的后台管理系统模板(spa)。 a vue management system template based on :vue2.0 + vue-router + vuex + element-ui +ES6+ webpack + npm。

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👏 An amazing admin framework of vue3

SleepingOwlAdmin screenshot

🦉 Administrative interface builder for Laravel (Laravel admin)

Vue Light Bootstrap Dashboard screenshot


Shopify Theme Lab screenshot

Shopify theme development environment using Liquid, Vue and Tailwind CSS. Built on top of Shopify CLI 🧪

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Litarvan's LightDM HTML Theme

Sing App Vue Dashboard screenshot

Vue.js admin dashboard template built with Bootstrap 4.5

Sharp screenshot



Laravel 10+ Content management framework

Datav Vue screenshot

A Powerful Data Visualization Tool. Uses TypeScript And Vue3. Scenario-specific templates. User-friendly interfaces. 一款数据可视化应用搭建工具

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The base code of vue.js project.

Nuepress screenshot

📖 Nuxt.js + WordPress REST API

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Vuetify Module for Nuxt 2

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:fire: Let's start with TypeScript

M Dash screenshot

M Dash


A Crud Admin Dash made from Vue, Vuex, Vue-Router and Vuetify. Features working Notification system, Login system, JWT system, Store, Data tables

Onu Ui screenshot

Onu Ui


Bullheaded and lightweight UnoCSS ui library.

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Simple reusable CRM built on Vue 2 PWA template and Vuetify UI

Vue Seed screenshot

a boilerplate for large vue project with ElementUI 2.x

Vue Swatches screenshot

:art: Help the user picking beautiful colors!

Oku Nuxt3 Template screenshot

Nuxt 3 best starter repo, Tailwindcss, Sass, Headless UI, Vue, Pinia, Vite, Eslint, i18n, Naive UI

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:elephant: A Laravel 8 SPA boilerplate with a users CRUD using Vue.js 2.6, GraphQL, Bootstrap 4, TypeScript, Sass, and Pug.

Vue Stripe Menu screenshot

Creating a navigation menu with animations like on Stripe

Vue Material Dashboard screenshot

Vue Material Dashboard - Open Source Material Design Admin

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My starter template for Vue3, with vite, quarkd, sass/less(含viewport 适配方案, axios 封装)

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仿掘金web网站,使用服务端渲染。主要技术:nuxt + koa + vuex + axios + element-ui 。

Vue H5 Template screenshot

vue-h5-template provides the basic template required for h5 page development, and including some common solutions and extended functions on the basis of the official templates.

Sentry Module screenshot

Sentry module for Nuxt 2

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My starter template for Vue3, with vite, quarkd, sass/less(含viewport 适配方案, axios 封装)

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Vuetiful is a component framework written on top of the Vue reactive library. It is primarily designed for creating business/administration applications where the displaying of data is paramount.

Vue3 Calendar screenshot

vue 2.x vue 3.x calendar component

Vue3 Calendar screenshot

vue 2.x vue 3.x calendar component

Vue Develop Template screenshot

A Vue.js template that can support more than 100 thousand lines of code in our business, I hope it can help you too~

Vue Boilerplate Template screenshot

🍎 Efficient development of web SPA using Vue.js(2.*) + Webpack + Element-ui + Pwa + Vuex + Vuex-router + Vue-i18n + Dayjs + Lodash.

Carbon Web Components screenshot

Carbon Design System variant on top of Web Components

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An Electron & Vue.js quick start

Wp Vue screenshot

Wp Vue


A simple Vue blog template that displays posts from any WordPress REST API endpoint.

Overwatch Ui screenshot

🎮 A UI library of Overwatch, built with Vue.js

Sakai Vue Cli screenshot

Free Vue Admin Template by PrimeVue

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基于 d2-admin的RBAC权限管理解决方案

Vuemmerce screenshot

Responsive ecommerce template built with Vue.js and Nuxt.js

Laravel Vue Admin screenshot

开箱即用的Laravel后台扩展,前后端分离,后端控制前端组件,无需编写vue即可创建一个vue+vuex+vue-route+elment-ui+laravel的项目 ,丰富的表单 表格组件,强大的自定义组件功能。

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👻 It's never been easier to build and customize admin panels. Yah! yaldash is a beautifully designed administration panel for Laravel.

Shards Vue screenshot

🌟Shards Vue is a free, beautiful and modern Vue.js UI kit based on Shards.

Vue Antd Admin screenshot


Shards Dashboard Vue screenshot

A free Vue admin dashboard template pack featuring a modern design system and lots of custom templates and components.

Vue Material Admin screenshot

基于 Vue3 Vuetify 的中后台模版

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Laravel Starter App Using Vue ,Vuetify, and InertiaJS.

Frontend Boilerplates screenshot

Collection of Boilerplates with ES6, Vue, React, Nuxt, TypeScript, SCSS, Nodejs. Using good practices and file structures to inspire your real projects.

Aurora screenshot



An awesome blog theme

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An SRD and open-source material reference site for 5th edition D&D

Fiber Boilerplate screenshot

This is the go boilerplate on the top of fiber web framework. With simple setup you can use many features out of the box

Light Blue Vue Admin screenshot

🤘Vue admin dashboard template with stylish transparent design

Vue Material Kit screenshot

Vue Material Kit - Open Source Material Design UI Kit

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This project is a vue3 + Vite + electron project template composed of Vite and rollup. It has the same functions as my previous electron+Vue+template project

Nuxt Ssr screenshot

✨vue+nuxt+sass+node+express+MongoDB 实现的SSR项目。

V3 Admin screenshot

A vue3 admin template, based on 'vue-cli'

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vue3.x Element ui Admin template (vite/webpack)

SearchSearchGo screenshot


Vue3 Admin Template screenshot

A new generation vue3 admin template, It's easy and fast!

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An Electron & Vue.js template with Hot-reloading enabled and common Vue plugins, dev, debug and build scripts configured.

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blog-front @nuxt

Primevue Tailwind screenshot

PrimeVue Components Styled with Tailwind CSS

Unibest screenshot

unibest - 最好用的 uniapp 开发模板。unibest 是由 uniapp + Vue3 + Ts + Vite4 + UnoCss + UniUI 驱动的跨端快速启动模板,使用 VS Code 开发,具有代码提示、自动格式化、统一配置、代码片段等功能,同时内置了大量平时开发常用的基本组件,开箱即用,让你编写 uniapp 拥有 best 体验。

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Admin LTE Starter for Vue JS

Laravel Starter Kit screenshot

Laravel 7.0~ Starter Kit Powered by VueJS + Material Design(Vuetify)

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Tauri + Vite + Vue 3 + Vuetify 3 desktop app template

Card screenshot



An open source html email template builder with drag & drop editor

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Cleaver screenshot

🔥🔪 A blazing-fast static site generator using Laravel's Blade templating engine

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A bare-bones example of creating your own Vue component library.

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👍🔥🔥🔥Material Design theme for vuepress

Headless Wp Nuxt screenshot

🏔 Headless WordPress JAMstack Template

Vuent screenshot



🎨 Vue.js components implementing Microsoft Fluent Design

Vue Admin Vuetify screenshot

`vue-admin-vuetify` is a Front-end component library project based on Vue.js using Vuetify. Need vpn proxy to view

N2ex screenshot



🌈 V2ex built with Nuxt.js (vue&ssr)

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Large scale Vue.js application boilerplate

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Vue.js 2.0 template loader for webpack

Qui Max screenshot

A Vue 3.x Neumorphic design system for Web. Written in TypeScript with Composition API 🔥

Nuxt Wordpress Pwa screenshot

Wordpress + Vue + Nuxt.js

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A starter template for Vue.js projects

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A template for uniapp with vue3.

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Aws Rough screenshot


Element Plus Nuxt Starter screenshot

🌰 A starter example for element-plus with Nuxt 3.

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Nuxt.js Serverless SSR Starter on AWS (Lambda + API Gateway + S3) with Serverless Framework

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WordPress with Vue, GraphQL, and Node

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Deprecated! Boilerplate for Chrome extension using Vue.js and Webpack with auto-reload enabled.

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SaaS base application (Flask, Vue, Bootstrap, Webpack)

Muse Vue Ant Design Dashboard screenshot

Muse Vue Ant Design Dashboard - Free and OpenSource Ant Design Vue Dashboard

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🎉 Nuxtjs + Wordpress REST API 主题;支持企业微信通知功能;全站前后端分离,自适应,白日、黑夜两种主题切换

Wdui screenshot



Mobile UI Components Library based on Vue 2.0 at Weidian

Vue ShoppingCart screenshot

ShoppingCart (Ecommerce) 🛒 Application using Vuejs, + Node.js + Express + MongoDB 🚀🤘

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Featured in Awesome Vue [], a curated list maintained by vuejs of awesome things related to the Vue.js framework, and Awesome List [], this Truffle Box provides everything you need t...

ChatGPT Nuxt screenshot

ChatGPT Web Nuxt 3 Vue 3 Version

Vue3 Admin Element Template screenshot

基于 Vue3、Vite2、Element-Plus、Vue-i18n、Vue-router4.x、Vuex4.x、Echarts5等最新技术开发的中后台管理模板,完整版本 vue3-admin-element 正在开发完善中

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blog-admin @react、@typescript、@apollographql

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Template AspNetCore with Vue, Vue router, Vuex, TypeScript, Bulma, Sass and Jest

Admin One Vue Bulma Dashboard screenshot

Free Vue.js Bulma Buefy Admin Dashboard Template. Vite & Vue CLI supported

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Cesium development template based on vueCli 4.x.x +

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Another vite powered web extension (chrome, firefox, etc.) starter template.

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A Vue 3 Starter Boilerplate with Vue Router 4, Pinia 2, TypeScript 5, Webpack 5, Prettier and More.

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Vue.js spring-boot starter (DEPRECATED)

Vue3 Admin Ts screenshot

the ts version of vue3-admin-template

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A lightning-fast boilerplate for building Adobe CEP Extensions in React, Vue, or Svelte built on Vite + TypeScript + Sass

Uni Vue3 Ts Template screenshot

开箱即用的uni-app vue3 TS 工程化模板项目,支持小程序/H5/APP开发使用,包含pinia,sass/less,axios,vitest,eslint,Unocss

Adminlte 3 Vue screenshot

Vue 3.4.19 start-up project with AdminLTE 3.2.0 template

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这是一个用Vue ssr驱动的个人博客,具备良好的seo与功能体验,部署流程清晰简练,喜欢就请star吧~

Vue Vant Template screenshot

Vant's template and base. With basic pages, examples, and complete configuration, you can use it immediately after fork. If it helps you, give me a star。

Vue Element Starter screenshot

Vue starter with Element-UI [READY, unmaintained now]

Vue Foundation screenshot

VueJS + Foundation + Vue-Router + Webpack

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Vue 3 + Phaser 3 + Webpack Template

Bael Template screenshot

Brutalist Blog theme for Netlify CMS

Sakai Nuxt screenshot

Starter Admin Template based on Nuxt 3 and PrimeVue 3

Vue Switches screenshot

An on/off switch component for Vue.js with theme support.

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一个非常漂亮的Vue + Vuetify的后台管理面板

Vuetify Youtube Clone Template screenshot

A youtube clone template called vuetube built with vue & vuetify

Shipit screenshot



E-commerce website template - Vuetify

Clover Admin Vue screenshot

A admin template, use the latest technology, based on Vue3,Vite3,Typescript,Pinia,Unocss,Element-plus,pnpm [一个基于Vue3,Vite3,Typescript,Pinia,Unocss,Element-plus,pnpm,使用最新技术栈的的中后台模板]

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A boiler plate template using Feathers with Email Verification, Vue 2 with Server Side Rendering, stylus, scss, jade, babel, webpack, ES 6-8, login form, user authorization, and SEO

Koa Vue Notes Web screenshot

🤓 This is a simple SPA built using Koa as the backend, Vue as the first frontend, and React as the second frontend. Features MySQL integration, user authentication, CRUD note actions, and Vuex store modules.

Vue2 Admin screenshot

:smiley: 【vue2项目模版】A magical vue admin template based on vue and element-ui

Vue3 H5 Template screenshot

基于Vue3+TypeScript+ Vue-Cli4.0 ,构建手机端模板脚手架

Laravel Spa screenshot

A Laravel + Socialite + Vite + Vue 3 + TailwindCSS SPA Boilerplate with user authentication, registration, email verification, social media authentication, password recovery, user management, and roles/permissions management. Uses TailwindCSS. While the front end is part of this repository it is ...

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Focus Budget Manager screenshot

Budget Manager application built with Vue.js, Node.js, Express.js and MongoDB

Uni Vitesse screenshot

使用 Vitesse cli 而不是 HbuildX 获得 double 的开发快乐! Uniapp + Vue 3 + TS + UnoCSS template

Kun Galgame Nuxt3 screenshot

The CUTEST Visual Novel / Galgame Forum! KUN Visual Novel project. KUN Visual Novel Forum 2nd generation!

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🚀 基于 vitejs 驱动的 uniapp 最佳实践集成模板

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vue3 + ts + vite5 + element-plus + vue-router + pinia + vue-request +vxe-table 实现的后台管理( admin )系统 meadmin template

T Ui screenshot

T Ui


Vue 项目中基于Element-ui 二次封装基础组件文档;Vue基础组件文档

Vue Quasar Manage screenshot

Management system template based on Vue / quasar

Frontend Application screenshot

💮 ALIS Media - Frontend Application

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A Vue.js 2 UI component library.

Vue Starter screenshot

:poodle: A boilerplate for SPA Client with HTML5, Vue, and Tailwind on Vite.

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Wails template based on Vue ecology

Tailadmin Laravel screenshot

TailAdmin is a dashboard theme / UI starter kit with Laravel 9, TailwindCSS 3, Inertia and Vue3

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Vue.js Server Side Render Template with Webpack & Express

Dashblocks Template screenshot

Dashblocks Vue Material Admin Template

Vue Ecom screenshot

✨ Full StoreFront built with Nuxt 3 + Pinia 2✨

Vue Tsx Admin screenshot

About a modern Vue Admin. It is based on Vue3 and TSX,It's flexible

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Amexio is a rich set of Angular 7 (170+) components powered by HTML5 & CSS3 for Responsive Design and with 80+ Material Design Themes, UI Components, Charts, Gauges, Data Point Widgets, Dashboards. Amexio is completely Open Sourced and Free. It's based on Apache 2 License. You can use it in your ...

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Create types for your directus project in your favourite language.

Leovue screenshot



Use the LEO outlining editor to create a Vue.js webapp.

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Vue 2.0 Project Boilerplate

Lulu Admin screenshot

ui copy from Lux Admin PRO , elegant admin template, based on Vue3,Vite3,TypeScript,Vuetify3, integrate bpmn-js, form-generator

Hexo Theme Lite screenshot

Keep Calm, Light and Writing. Light Hexo Theme.

Nuxt Dev To Clone screenshot

Build DEV.TO clone with Nuxt.js and new `fetch` hook

Vite Vue3 H5 screenshot

vue3.x + vite2.x + vant3.x + ts 移动端 vw + rem布局基础模板

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Use vue3 vite4 typescript eslint SSR pinia unocss vue-router element-plus scss

Vue Admin Better Template screenshot


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基于vue实现的 个人主页 模板 a resume/cv template with vue

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vue3 admin,ant design vue pro,vue admin,vue vite admin,ant design pro

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Vue & Vuex & Express Hot-Reload

Vue 2 Webpack 4 Boilerplate screenshot

Ready to use Vue 2+ project with webpack 4 configuration for development and production

Basix Admin screenshot

Get Free and Premium Vue.js Bootstrap v4 Admin Dashboard Templates

Vadmire Admin screenshot

一款基于 Vue3 + TypeScript + NaiveUI 等技术栈搭建的后台系统

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Front end for [] - an open platform live video streaming service

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基于 Vue2.0 和 eleme ui 的,针对电商行业的后台方案,包括客户管理、商品管理、订单管理等功能

Instapack screenshot

All-in-one TypeScript and Sass compiler for web applications! :package: :rocket:

Vue Cion Design System screenshot

CION - Design system boilerplate for Vue.js

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@vitejs + @vuejs 3+@Vuetifyjs 3

Material Vue screenshot

:gem: Vue Material Template - Vuetify admin dashboard template built with Vuetify and Love :gift_heart:

Dialogflow Web screenshot

Web App for Dialogflow

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Vue2, Vuex 3, Vue Router 3, Element-ui and Typescript SPA project quick start kit(Vue element ui 快速开始脚手架)

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👨 A (mostly) headless blogging platform built atop Nuxt & Gist.

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:cookie: 基于vue的app模板项目,技术栈:mint-ui+vue2+vue-router+vuex+axios+echart+i18n+sass

Vue Admin Next screenshot

Professional enterprise application with Vue Composition API, Multi-Module Design, Data Processing Flow and Friendly User Interface.

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About A magical vue3 admin

Fast Amap screenshot

🚀🚀🚀 一个基于 Vue 的高性能 高德地图 组件库,A High Performance AMap Component Library Based on Vue.

Seven screenshot



Eleventy template using Bootstrap, Sass, Webpack, Vue.js powered search, includes lots of other features

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An open source frontend Framework for building admin applications running in the browser on top of REST, using ES6 and Vue.js

Vue Now Ui Kit screenshot

Vue Now UI Kit

Jekyllplus screenshot

Lightweight CMS for GitHub pages and Jekyll websites.

AatroX Vue screenshot

💚 A Free Vuejs 3 Minimal Admin Dashboard Develop with Vuejs 3, Vite, and TailwindCss. It's Free and Open Source 💥

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Quasar Module for Nuxt (Unofficial)

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uni-app vue3 tailwindcss 模板,集成了 iconify,eslint,typescript,prettier 等等工具作为解决方案

Vitepress Nav Template screenshot

基于 VitePress 的个人前端导航页面模板

Docc screenshot



A starter documentation theme for Gridsome. Featuring instant search, great navigation and a dark mode!

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Laravel Vuetify Starter SPA built with Laravel 6.0, JWT Auth, Vue 2, Vue Router 3, Vuex 3, Axios, Vuetify 2

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A lightweight, ready-to-go front-end solution for admin interfaces based on Vue 3, Vite 2 and ElementPlus.

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Veaser, 对前端初学者友好的Vue2.x组件库/Veaser,a Vue2.x components library for beginners

Nuxt3 Blog screenshot

A pure front-end blog written using Vue3, Nuxt3, and the GitHub API,free deployment, online writing.一个使用Vue3,Nuxt3,GitHub API写的纯前端博客,免费部署,在线写作

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The best scaffold for Vue 2.x based on vue-cli#vuejs-templates/webpack

Genealogy Nuxt screenshot

Nuxt 2 and Vue 2 client for genealogy project. Family tree and genealogy data processing website software client.

Nuxt Api Example screenshot

Nuxt.js API Example using Vuex and axios

Portfolio Vuejs screenshot

💼 Portfolio template using VueJs framework, CosmicJS API and Bootstrap

Vite Vue3 H5 Template screenshot

基于 vite2 + Vue3.2 + ts + pinia 的h5基础模版

Create Apollo App screenshot

Create Apollo App is a command-line tool designed to generate fully-configured starter Apollo GraphQL projects with essential dependencies for developing web, server and mobile applications and zero build configuration.

Dao Style screenshot

🎉 A high quality component library built on Vue.js 2.0

Kongponents screenshot

🦍 Kong Vue Component Library

Laravel AdminLTE3 Boilerplate screenshot

Boilerplate adminpanel: Laravel 6.0 + AdminLTE 3 (Bootstrap 4) and simple CRUD examples. Based on new QuickAdminPanel 2019.

Nuxt Boilerplate Project screenshot

This is a Nuxt.js Boilerplate project that you can clone and play around with to learn the cool stuff you can do with Nuxt

default image

A GraphQL ready, very opinionated Vue SPA template for Vue CLI 3

Vitify Admin screenshot

🖖 Vite + Vuetify, Opinionated Admin Starter Template

Easy Circular Progress screenshot

easy circular progress component with counting effect

Website screenshot

Jobguy Website

default image

E-commerce template based on PHP8, Laravel 10, Octane, Vue.js, RoadRunner,

default image

ShareMan's personal website of version3.

default image

UI to easily share schema/role between Directus apps

default image

A fast and powerful Vue.js PWA boilerplate

Wot Design screenshot

An ui component library built on vue.js

Bugphix Laravel screenshot

Capture and monitor detailed error logs with nice dashboard and UI

Notes Vuepress screenshot

使用VuePress构建静态网站 ,动态构建

Vue Admin screenshot

无 UI 框架依赖(默认 vue 3.x 版本)

Vue Admin screenshot

无 UI 框架依赖(默认 vue 3.x 版本)

default image

Asp.NETCore 2.0 Vue 2 (ES6) SPA Starter kit, contains routing, Vuex, and SignalR

Vite Primevue Starter screenshot

VUE 3 Starter project for using primevue 3 with Vite 3 - Pages, Layouts, Validation

default image

🦈 Your self-hosted decentralized Messenger, Social network, Media file storage on top of IPFS! Freely communicate in encrypted chat groups, share images, video, text or any data without a risk of censorship or blocking.

Portfolio 2021 screenshot

My personal website/portfolio built with Nuxt and Storyblok CMS.

default image

A Laravel + Inertia starter kit powered by Vite

Vue Modern Resume screenshot

🗂 A simple resume template based on Vue.js framework and Vuetify UI toolkit.

default image

vue web template and base. With basic pages, examples, and complete configuration, you can use it immediately after fork. If it helps you, give me a star。

default image

🎈 Customization of Oruga components with Bulma CSS framework

default image

This template should help get you started developing with Vue 3, Vuetify 3 and Typescript in Vite.

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QuillCMS, A Content Management System build with Node.js, Express, Nuxt.js and MongoDB.

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Kuma Website screenshot

🐻 The official website for Kuma, the control plane for modern service connectivity.

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Polaris Vue screenshot

Shopify Polaris design system for Vue JS. Shopify’s design system to help us build the great apps for all of our merchants.

default image

开媛笔记,基于nuxt ssr首屏服务器端渲染 ⚡。用于分享、记录、交流和学习,希望可以帮助到小伙伴们。同时网站在永久更新,备好鸡血,一起来战 Ooh aah!

default image

👨‍💻 A capable website/webapp boilerplate ready for the web agency battlefield. Creates a static site with Twig templating by default. Supports Craft/Wordpress/Laravel after a few adjustments.

Xmui screenshot




Laravel CoreUI AdminPanel screenshot

Boilerplate adminpanel: Laravel 6.0 + CoreUI Theme (Bootstrap 4) and simple CRUD examples. Based on new QuickAdminPanel 2019.

Lightvue screenshot

The Emerging UI Component library designed for Vue 3.x & Vue 2.x

default image


Veluxi Starter screenshot

Veluxi Vue.js Starter Project with Nuxt JS and Vuetify

Vue Music Website screenshot

Music website built with Vue.js and Cosmic JS

Astro Design System screenshot

This is a theme/starter project for design systems built in Astro. You can install and import your own component library and document all your design decisions and components.

Fantastic Startkit screenshot

一款简单好用的 Vue 项目启动套件,基于 Vue3 & Vite

default image

Laravel Vue SPA Admin Panel

Uniapp Tailwind Uview Starter screenshot

利用uniapp+tailwindcss 3.x+uview 1.x+vue-cli搭建的一套基础模板,可以使用Webstorm或者vscode开发。集成miniprogram-ci自动部署

default image

📦 Vue 3, Bootstrap 5, Pinia, Vue-Router, Sass/Scss, ESLint. Updated 2024.

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Vue 3, Bootstrap 5, Pinia, Vue-Router, Sass/Scss, ESLint. Updated 2024.

default image

Vue + Express.js = VueXpress / A server side rendering engine for Express.js. Use .vue files as your express.js templates.

Align screenshot



a single static blog generater use vue components and markdown files

Nuxt Ecommerce screenshot

🛍 Ecommerce Store with Nuxt

Vuejs Landing Page screenshot

This is a Vue.js version of the template Boxer - Software Landing Page

Vuesax Alpha screenshot

Vuesax Alpha - Vuejs 3 UI Library Components

Uniapp Scaffold screenshot


NxAdmin Template screenshot

a vue2.0 minimal admin template

Subweb Tsutsu screenshot


Consult Patient H5 Vue3 Ts Pinia Vant screenshot

Vue3, Vue Router, Pinia, Composition API, TypeScript, Vant4, VueUse, Axios, SocketIO, PostCSS, ESlint, Prettier, Husky, Lint-staged, Mock, Amap, QQ Login, Alipay Sandbox, Eruda, CI/CD, Vercel, Mobile Project.

Vue Soft Ui Dashboard screenshot

Vue Soft UI Dashboard - Free and OpenSource VueJS 3 & Bootstrap 5 Dashboard

Vue AutoNumeric screenshot

A Vue.js component that wraps the awesome autoNumeric input formatter library

VueTemplate screenshot


Sakai Nuxt screenshot

Free Admin Template for Nuxt 3

Sf Vue Admin screenshot

🚀 基于NestJs + TypeScript + TypeORM + Redis + MySql + Vue2 + Element-UI编写的一款简单高效的前后端分离的权限管理系统

Vue Fake Input screenshot

Custom input for individual characters

Amis Admin screenshot

laravel + amis 后台管理系统,完整支持amis全部功能

Vue Mobile Template screenshot

基于 vue3.x + CompositionAPI + javascript + vite + vant + vue-router-next + pinia 的开源免费H5移动端模板,帮助大家实现快速开发HTML5移动端。

Vite Vue3 Template screenshot

Vite+Vue3+Pinia+TS+Sass+Element+Axios Template

default image

[Deprecated]A Vue.js project, base on vue-webpack template(vue 2.x and vue-router 2.x), with bulma, chart.js, font awesome, Weui. Aims to be a quick start for building demo applications or product prototypes.

Vue Pro Sidebar screenshot

responsive sidebar using vue.js with ability to change theme

Vue3 Tailwind2 screenshot

Vue 3 with tailwindcss 2 template

Laravel Coreui Vue screenshot

Boilerplate for Single Page Application, powered by Laravel, CoreUI, Vue

Plus Pro Components screenshot

🔥Page level components developed based on Element Plus.

Giraffe screenshot

📰 Free news, blogs or magazines application theme, built with Vite & Vuetify created by HeroUI.

Ikun Ui screenshot

🐥 由vue3和vitejs搭建的简易组件库 🏀 🐥A simple component library built by Vue3 🏀

Tass Ui screenshot

🎈 A component library with Vue3.x.

Vite Ts Starter screenshot

🐬 一个轻量级、开箱即用、快速开发 Vite 5 + Vue 3 (setup) 全家桶 + Element Plus + UnoCSS + Unplugin + Vuex + ESLint + TS + Vitest + Scss + StyleLint 中小型 B 端 i18n 国际化中后台管理系统的现代开发基础模板框架, 持续更新最新技术栈, 更贴近真实项目的脚手架 💪 A template built on Vite5 + Vitest + Vue3 + TypeScript (附示例截图)

Vue3 Boilerplate screenshot

Quick boilerplate for your next project, containing - Vite, Vuex, Vue Router & Tailwind CSS. This was created as part of my tutorial series.

Static Website screenshot

🖥 New Vue/Nuxt website for - The #1 free and open source CDN built to make life easier for developers.

Vite Vue Ts Storybook screenshot

Template project - Vite, Vue 3, VueI18n, Storybook, TS, ESLint and Prettier

Vivu screenshot



💎 Opinionated scalable vue boilerplate using vite

Vue Vite screenshot


default image

Vue3 cesium ts start up template. 有时候需要墙才能访问 screenshot


Ionic Vue Mobile Template 03 screenshot

Hybrid app template built with vue, ionic and capacitor.

Learn Nuxt Ts screenshot

Testing TypeScript for Nuxt

Awrora Starter screenshot

Landing page template built with one of most popular javascript library Vue.JS, Vuetify (Material Design) and Nuxt.JS with SSR.

Admin Two Vue Bulma Dashboard screenshot

Free Vue.js Bulma Buefy Admin Dashboard Template. Vite & Vue CLI supported

default image

a lite vue3.0 admin template,there is no typescript and vuex (但注释挺全)

default image


Vuepress Theme Bulma screenshot

A pure Bulma.css theme for VuePress

Laravel Startkit screenshot

Laravel Admin Dashboard, Admin Template with Frontend Template, for scalable Laravel projects. It is to save your time when You start with new scalable Laravel projects with many features Bootstrap, cooreui, infyom admin Generator, roles and permissions, translatable models, spatie media and muc...

Vue3 Admin screenshot


Awesome Vue Boilerplate screenshot

😍 Awesome Vue Boilerplate 🥳 Vue 🥰 Vuex, vuex-pathify 🤗 element-ui 🤲 tailwindcss

Titan Starter Website screenshot

A Laravel Website and Admin starter project that helps you with the setup.

Vue Base Template screenshot

A template for vue development

Vue Cursor Fx screenshot

🖱 An animated custom cursor effects for interactive elements like navigation - w/ VueJS - SSR Compatible

Vue Data Ui screenshot

A user-empowering data visualization Vue 3 components library

Frontend screenshot

Nuxt 2 and VueJS 2 frontend for genealogy website.

Nest Vue screenshot

Nx monorepo starter: dockerized NestJS backend, Vue frontend, and NGINX; data via Prisma / TypeORM + GraphQL; Jest + Cypress testing; Jenkins CI/CD.

Vue3 Tree screenshot

A tree library for Vue 3

Different UI screenshot

A Vue.js 3 UI Library — a Toy

Taro2 Template screenshot

可用于生产环境的taro项目模版,技术栈:taro + taro-ui + typescript + dva / mobx + sass,无需过多关注项目配置,预置功能包括但不限于页面/组件/store/service模版一键生成/编译自动生成路由列表和组件入口/代码规范强制检查/请求拦截封装/小程序CI等,实现多端项目的高效快速开发。目前已有1.x / 2.x / 3.x 版本。

Antd Vue Admin screenshot

🌀ant design vue + vue.js + sass 等实现的后台管理系统(下面有浏览地址)

Architectui Vue Theme Free screenshot

ArchitectUI Vue Lite is a minimal admin dashboard template. It features a simple functionality to get your SaaS admin panel up and running in no-time.

Like Co screenshot

Official site of LikeCoin - Decentralized Publishing Infrastructure.

Pug Loader screenshot

Pug loader for Webpack renders pug to HTML or template function

default image

A Component Library for Vue3.js.

default image

:heart_decoration: FE part of my blog build with Nuxt.js.

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Human Connection is your super tool for social good! Let's go!

Website Template screenshot


Nuxt Netlify Lambda Starter screenshot

:hammer_and_wrench: SEO-friendly website starter backed by Netlify lambda functions in a simple, friendly repo

Vue Froala Design Blocks screenshot

Vue JS implementation for Froala Design Blocks.

Vue Ts Starter screenshot

Vue template for starter using Vue3 + TypeScript + Vite + Pinia 🚀

Nly Adminlte Vue screenshot

vuejs2 AdminLte3 template more than 50 components and 10 directives.such as collapse ,sidebar,container,infobox,breadcrumb,card,grid,dropdown,toast,navbar,timeline,icon,progress

Nuxt Three screenshot

Web app starter built on nuxt.js and three.js

Vucc screenshot




Slim Ui screenshot

Simple components library used for building lightweight vuejs projects

Typescript Nuxtjs Boilerplate screenshot

:bento: Nuxt.js with TypeScript and Run with docker and docker-compose 🐶🦄🔥 visit: screenshot

✅ My website built with nuxt.js and statically generated from WordPress.

Bellevue screenshot

A full-featured frontend project template for modern single-page applications built on Vue.js and Webpack.

default image

imcoder-admin是一个前端解决方案,基于 vue 2 和 element-ui 2.12.0 开发的后台管理模板。功能涵盖动态路由、富文本编辑、图表统计等多种丰富组件。能快速帮助中小型企业搭建后台产品模型。

default image

Directus Extension to display items as grid with customizable, flexible display.

Dolphin Admin Vue screenshot

🐬 Dolphin Admin Vue is an open source, lightweight, out-of-the-box, elegant and exquisite, internationalized backend management template based on Vue 3 + Vite + Naive UI + TypeScript + TailwindCSS.

Dolphin Admin Vue screenshot

🐬 Dolphin Admin Vue is an open source, lightweight, out-of-the-box, elegant and exquisite, internationalized backend management template based on Vue 3 + Vite + Naive UI + TypeScript + TailwindCSS.

HorizontCMS screenshot

Lightweight CMS built on Laravel 8, VueJs 2.6 and Bootstrap 5.2. An alternative platform to OctoberCMS

Print Template Designer screenshot

A vue2 component for design a page for print / 一个使用Vue2的组件,用于设计打印页面模板[ 可视化 拖拽 设计器 打印 ]。

Ui Component screenshot

Morpheme UI - Free and Open-source Vue 3 Component Library based on Morpheme Design System

default image

A Vue component library for expangine, a visual development framework.

Nuxt Whois screenshot

基于Nuxt3制作的Whois和 Dns 查询的小工具

Vue Template screenshot

基于vue-cli二次封装的移动端框架,vue3 +vue-cli5 + webpack5 + 多入口打包 + 自动生成项目模版 + pinia + 数据持久化 + 路由动画 + axios二次封装 + less sass 变量函数处理 + viewport 适配方案等等

default image

An elegant admin-system-like vue ui components library.

default image

Dolphin Admin Vue is an open source, lightweight, out-of-the-box, elegant and exquisite, internationalized backend management template based on Vue 3 + Vite + Naive UI + TypeScript + TailwindCSS.

Nuxt Template screenshot

🗃 Nuxt Template (Typescript + Composition API)

Storyblok Docs screenshot

A Nuxt.js setup to generate an intuitive, readable and collaborative API documentation with copy and paste able examples

Craft Cms screenshot

Boilerplate with Craft CMS, Tailwind CSS, VueJS & Alpine.js used for internal projects.

Govuk Vue screenshot

A Vue 3 component library for GOV.UK Frontend and the GOV.UK Design System

Themage screenshot

🧙‍♂️ Generate UI theme by image

Venus screenshot



由 Vue.js 驱动的中后台系统模板,为开发者搭建好了基本框架,可以快速实现后台系统的常用功能,如页面布局、权限控制、可视化仪表盘等。

Ionic Vue Mobile Template 01 screenshot

Hybrid app template built with vue, ionic and capacitor.

Lyra screenshot



Lyra is an administration panel for Laravel for bootstrap your app and turn ideas into reality.

Typescript Nuxtjs Boilerplate screenshot

Deprecated: :bento: Nuxt.js with TypeScript and Run with docker and docker-compose

QuickAdminPanel Material Dashboard screenshot

Simple Laravel adminpanel based on Material Dashboard theme from Creative Tim

Shopify Nuxt Kit screenshot

Netlify + Shopify + Nuxt Demo

Vue Webpack Boilerplate screenshot

A webpack boilerplate with vue-loader, axios, vue-router and vuex

Vue D3 Dataviz Starter screenshot

Vue3, Vite, and D3.js starter with examples

Vue3 Vite Ts Element Plus screenshot


Bootstrap Starter Kit screenshot

Minimal starter template for websites using Bootstrap 5 and Webpixels CSS next to the Eleventy static site generator.

Devextreme Vue Template screenshot

Responsive Application Layout Templates​ based on DevExtreme Vue Components

Vue Antd Admin Template screenshot

vue-antd-admin-template是一个极简的后台管理系统解决方案,它基于 Vue3 和 Ant Design Vue 实现。它使用了最新的前端技术栈 Setup语法糖 & Ant Design Vue & Pinia & TypeScript 。

Legacy Rp Admin V3 screenshot

💻 A web interface to help with administrative duties at the FiveM server: Legacy Roleplay. Currently compatible with the OP-FW framework.

default image

基于Nuxt2 + ElementUI 搭建的博客前台

Plugin Ceres screenshot

This is the official Ceres plugin developed by plentymarkets. Ceres is the default template plugin for plentymarkets 7 online stores.

Vue Runtime Template Compiler screenshot

A simple Vue component to compile templates at runtime

Vitepress Template screenshot

🍀 Vitepress 模板,开箱即用,快速搭建你的静态网站和博客。(🍀 Vitepress template, out of the box, quickly build your static website and blog.)

default image

A GitHub Issue blog theme based on Vue 2

Laraquasar screenshot

Laravel + Quasar Framework in one place laravel 10.x support

Hoc Element Table screenshot

📦 基于 Vue3 + Webpack5 + Element Plus Table 二次构建表格组件,开箱即用 A Vue 3.x Table Component built on Webpack 5 该组件库可供学习、参考和用于二次开发

Vitesse H5 screenshot

A H5 Template(Vite + Vue) inspired by Vitesse.

VueSienna screenshot

️ Vue3, Vuetify3, Vite3, , Pinia, State Persistence, Pages, Layouts, Auto Import ['components, libs, plugins] , Macros, CSS Shortcuts, Themes, Firebase Authentication, VueJS best practices.

BoBo Vue Admin screenshot

vue-cli (4.x) + ts + CrudTable + FormDesigner (开箱即用,企业级开发种子框架,附带表单表格生成器,一键Crud)

Windi Ui screenshot

Build Accessible Apps 10x faster with Windi UI ⚡ ( WIP :construction: )

Shiina Astro Blog screenshot

A blog powered by Astro & Vue with SSG & SSR build mode.

Vitify Next screenshot

🖖 Vite + Vuetify 3, Opinionated Admin Starter Template

Vue Boilerplate I18n screenshot

一个极简 + 低耦合国际化(i18n) 原型模板框架, 集成 Vite 5 + Ts + Vue 3 + Vue Router 4 + Pinia 2 + UnoCSS + Unplugin + Element Plus + Vitest + ESLint, 支持路由切换语言, 自动导入, 适合快速开发 B 端模块化产品 的中小型后台管理系统,基于 vue-i18n-next Starter using Vite5 + Vue3 + Pinia + TypeScript + i18n to fast build a admin prototyping(附示例截图)

Vue Material Dashboard 2 screenshot

Vue Material Dashboard 2 - Free and OpenSource VueJS 3 & Bootstrap 5 Dashboard

BroJenuelPortfolio screenshot

This is a Portfolio Project that I built using Vue Js Based On Brittany's Design.

Press Ui screenshot


Scaffold screenshot

A Laravel SaaS boilerplate by Grafite

Tauri Vite Vue screenshot

Vite + Vue Starter for Tauri.

Web Vue screenshot

@wei_design/web-vue,基于Vue3 + Vite3 + ts的组件库,A Vue.js 3 UI library

Log Lottery screenshot

🎈🎈🎈🎈年会抽奖程序,threejs+vue3 3D球体动态抽奖应用。

Vc Theme B2b Vue screenshot

B2B Mercury theme is a fresh look on the field of eCommerce solutions. This is a place where common B2B and B2C scenarios are combined with the most bleeding edge technologies to deliver blazing fast and fully functional solution. It implements common business use-cases needed for a vast majority...

Comento Ui screenshot

Vue UI components used in Comento

Iznik Nuxt screenshot

Freegle's web client

default image

A beautiful, customized, personal blog theme for Astro

default image

KIRAKIRA's frontend powered by Nuxt 3.

default image




Art Theme screenshot

Beautiful blog template with Astro.

Meteor Component Library screenshot

This repository is deprecated. See Readme for more information.

ETU Design screenshot

A Vue.js 3 UI Library made by Etu Design

EVUI screenshot



Exem Visualization UI

Element Plus Admin screenshot

:house: Admin boilerplate based on Vue 3 and ElementPlus

Uniapp Vue3 Template screenshot

使用uniapp+vite+vue3+uview-plus3.0 搭建的微信小程序快速开发模版

Vue3 PCWeb Starter screenshot

Power by Vite4. A simple template of vue3-ts, include vue-router、pinia、Typescript、eslint-prettier.

Sentimony Nuxt screenshot

Sentimony Records site on NuxtJS

Blog screenshot



A beautiful blog using Nuxt.js

Veno Ui screenshot

A Vue 3 UI Library. Vuetify 3 Variant

Blog Nuxt screenshot

Nuxt 3 Personal Blog

Cuida screenshot



A design system built by Sysvale, using storybook and Vue components

Homeday Blocks screenshot

Homeday's Vue component library.

Roughness screenshot

A Vue component library with hand-drawn appearance

Skeleton screenshot

The Symfony SaaS boilerplate Skeleton Application

Component Library screenshot

Vue 3 UI library for healthcare and not only. We are full configurable mobile first UI library. Our components are accessibility-friendly and follow best practices in terms of design and coding. We provide raw source and aim to be developer-friendly, configurable-first and performance-oriented.

Directus Extension Seo screenshot

Directus SEO Extension enhance Directus with powerful SEO scoring and validator and AI SEO from ChatGPT

Fozzie Components screenshot

Public monorepo of tools, services and atomic UI components within the fozzie ecosystem

Sakepedia Nuxt screenshot


Template Nuxt3 screenshot

Nuxt 3 starter template

Theme Bootstrap screenshot

⚓ Customization of Oruga components with Bootstrap framework

default image



:computer: Vue - Boilerplate Front : Vue 3, Vuex, Vuetify 3, JWT, Jest (Beta)

Vulcan screenshot



🔥The Template for Mobile Application, Vite4&Vue3, Pinia, Router, APIs&Mock, I18n, Unit&E2E Test.移动端Web应用模板

Vue Starter screenshot

a vue admin template built for front-end developers

Vite Naive Template screenshot

一个简洁的 Naive UI + TypeScript + Vite 5 + Vue 3 + Pinia 2 + UnoCSS + Unplugin + Vitest 的 B 端后台原型模板框架, 开箱即用, 内置模块化管理、路由鉴权、暗黑模式、Unplugin Auto 自动导入, 适合快速搭建和二次开发实际业务场景, 持续更新最新技术栈 A Starter template built on Vite5 + NaiveUI + Vue3 + TypeScript

Vue Docs screenshot

Chakra UI Vue (v2) Official Documentation

Mono screenshot



DB UX Design System Monorepo - Provides Design Tokens and components for Web UIs

Ornament Ui screenshot

Vue 3 components for building web applications (WIP)

Vue Webapp screenshot

Vue 3 responsive customazable website template

Vue3 App screenshot

A hybrid app template, base on Vue3, Vite, Vuetify, TypeScript and Capacitor.

Vuejs Portfolio screenshot

developer portfolio

Stellar Ui screenshot

Fully styled and customizable components for Vue 3

Theaterlog screenshot

A personal theater show tracker listing every show I have seen since 2010, built with Contentful and Vue.js.

Vite Vue Prod Template screenshot

vite2 vue3 template with TypeScript

Calendar screenshot

Calendar written in Vue 3 (Composition API) using Typescript and Pinia as state manager. Two themes are supported . Still in development...

Coming Soon Template Vuejs screenshot

Blank Cooming Soon template using Vue.js

Onlyoffice Vue Starter screenshot

preview、edit office file

Pinia Starter Ts screenshot

基于 Vite5 + Vue3 + Element-Plus + TypeScript + Pinia + Jest + ESLint 快速搭建中小型 B 端后台管理系统的模板框架, 集成现代化流行插件 🪁 A Vue 3.x Starter template built on Vite 5 + TypeScript + Pinia@next

default image

vue3-basic-template 是一款开源开箱即用的中后台管理系统。基于 Vue3、Vite、Element-Plus、TypeScript、Pinia 等主流技术开发,内置许多开箱即用的组件,能快速构建中后台管理系统,目前决定完全开源。

Vuecomp Starter screenshot

开箱即用的 Vue3 + Typescript 组件库开发模板,支持按需引入,集成Vitepress,自动化部署,快速搭建功能完善的组件库。

Nuxt2 Lighthouse Boilerplate screenshot

Nuxt2 Lighthouse Boilerplate

Vue3 Element Admin screenshot

这个模板使用了最新的 vue3 和 element-plus UI 框架,vite 构建工具、pinia 状态管理、vue-router 路由管理、mockjs 数据模拟,并集成了 typescript,功能由 Vue Element Admin 移植而来。