Vue personal

Cvfy screenshot



CV generator built with Nuxt.js, TailwindCSS, deployed on Netlify.

Soft Portfolio screenshot

Show off your projects with a neumorphic inspired website. Now with dark mode 💡

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基于vue实现的 个人主页 模板 a resume/cv template with vue

Dialogflow Web screenshot

Web App for Dialogflow

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ShareMan's personal website of version3.

Vue Modern Resume screenshot

🗂 A simple resume template based on Vue.js framework and Vuetify UI toolkit.

Personal Website screenshot

Simple personal website built with Nuxt.js & Tailwind CSS.

Portfolio screenshot

My new updated portfolio made in Nuxt.js

Cuvimaker screenshot

cuvimaker is an online editor of cv maker, SEO-friendly made in Astro using vue components and tailwind. This project is coded in typescript

Vue Resume screenshot

Developer resume template with Tailwind CSS and Vue.