Vue express

Remult screenshot



Full-stack CRUD, simplified, with SSOT TypeScript entities

Naive Ui screenshot

A Vue 3 Component Library. Fairly Complete. Theme Customizable. Uses TypeScript. Fast.

Dashy screenshot



A self-hostable personal dashboard built for you. Includes status-checking, widgets, themes, icon packs, a UI editor and tons more!

Vue2 Manage screenshot

A admin template based on vue + element-ui. 基于vue + element-ui的后台管理系统基于 vue + element-ui 的后台管理系统

Habitica screenshot

A habit tracker app which treats your goals like a Role Playing Game.

Cube Ui screenshot

:large_orange_diamond: A fantastic mobile ui lib implement by Vue

Vue Admin screenshot

admin template based on vuejs2 and element.

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👻 Zero-configuration framework-agnostic static prerendering for SPAs

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Apostrophe screenshot

A full-featured, open-source content management framework built with Node.js that empowers organizations by combining in-context editing and headless architecture in a full-stack JS environment.

Mand Mobile screenshot

💰 A mobile UI toolkit, based on Vue.js 2, designed for financial scenarios.

Vue Amap screenshot

🌍 基于 Vue 2.x 和高德地图的地图组件

DOClever screenshot


CoPilot screenshot

Responsive Bootstrap 3 Admin Template based on AdminLTE with vue.js

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:star: MEVN Full stack JS web app boilerplate with NodeJS, Express, Mongo and VueJS

Vuesion screenshot

Vuesion is a boilerplate that helps product teams build faster than ever with fewer headaches and modern best practices across engineering & design.

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At Ui


A fresh and flat UI-Kit specially for desktop application, made with ♥ by Vue.js 2.0 (DEPRECATED)

Awesome Nest Boilerplate screenshot

Awesome NestJS Boilerplate 😍, Typescript 💪, Postgres 🎉, TypeORM 🥳

Vue Beauty screenshot

Beautiful UI components build with vue and ant design

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:speaker: Websocket project based on vue(基于vue2.0的实时聊天项目)

Auth Module screenshot

Zero-boilerplate authentication support for Nuxt 2

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❤️ 极客猿导航-独立开发者的导航站!

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UI Component Library Base on Vue.js(2.x) and Bulma

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Vue rendering engine for Express.js. Use .Vue files as templates using streams

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基于 Node.js 的开源个人博客系统,采用 Nuxt + Vue + TypeScript 技术栈。

Chatgpt Web screenshot

A third-party ChatGPT Web UI page built with Express and Vue3, through the official OpenAI completion API. / 用 Express 和 Vue3 搭建的第三方 ChatGPT 前端页面, 基于 OpenAI 官方 completion API.

Vue Demo screenshot

Vue.js 示例项目 · 简易留言板。本项目拥有完善的文档说明与注释,让您快速上手 Vue.js 开发 SPA。Webpack / ES6 + Babel / Vue Router / (Vue Resource?) / (Vue Validator?) / (Vuex?) —— An Excellent Vue Starter with Best Practice / 最佳实践

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vue2.0+router+vuex+express 构建淘票票的全栈demo

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Node.js (Express.js) + Vue.js (Element UI) 全栈开发王者荣耀手机端官网和管理后台

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h5编辑器类似maka、易企秀 账号/密码:admin

Mevn Cli screenshot

Light speed setup for MEVN(Mongo Express Vue Node) Apps

Vue Admin Spa screenshot

基于vue2.0生态的后台管理系统模板(spa)。 a vue management system template based on :vue2.0 + vue-router + vuex + element-ui +ES6+ webpack + npm。

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Boilerplate application for Electron runtime

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The base code of vue.js project.

Vue Resume screenshot

Resume template based on Vue

Vue Seed screenshot

a boilerplate for large vue project with ElementUI 2.x

Vue Express Mongodb screenshot


Vue Quasar Admin Example screenshot

Example of quasar admin

Vue3 Calendar screenshot

vue 2.x vue 3.x calendar component

Vue3 Calendar screenshot

vue 2.x vue 3.x calendar component

Vue Develop Template screenshot

A Vue.js template that can support more than 100 thousand lines of code in our business, I hope it can help you too~

Vue Boilerplate Template screenshot

🍎 Efficient development of web SPA using Vue.js(2.*) + Webpack + Element-ui + Pwa + Vuex + Vuex-router + Vue-i18n + Dayjs + Lodash.

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An Electron & Vue.js quick start

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Multiplayer online chess game use Vue , Nodejs, Webpack, Em6,, Mongodb, Express

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:crystal_ball: VueJS + Express + GraphQL Boilerplate

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vue + node + express + mongodb 个人博客系统

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This project is a vue3 + Vite + electron project template composed of Vite and rollup. It has the same functions as my previous electron+Vue+template project

Nuxt Ssr screenshot

✨vue+nuxt+sass+node+express+MongoDB 实现的SSR项目。

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vue-typescript-starter 脚手架

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Vue 2.0, vue-router and vuex starter kit for server side rendering with webpack 2.0

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Modular security for Vue, Vuex, Vue-Router and Nuxt

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Admin LTE Starter for Vue JS

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Vue + Vue-router + Vuex 实现前端页面及逻辑,Express 实现注册登录登出的RestFul API 。

Vue Fullstack screenshot

vue fullstack template

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Rubik screenshot



Material Design Vue.js UI Components

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A fullstack boilerplate with Mongo, ExpressJS, VueJS and NodeJS.

Cosmicjs Node screenshot

*API v2 JavaScript client for Cosmic. See important message in README

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Vue Firebase🔥 Authentication with Vuex

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Nuxt.js Serverless SSR Starter on AWS (Lambda + API Gateway + S3) with Serverless Framework

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something like QQ、weibo、weChat(vue+express+socket.io仿微博、微信的聊天社交平台)

Vue ShoppingCart screenshot

ShoppingCart (Ecommerce) 🛒 Application using Vuejs, + Node.js + Express + MongoDB 🚀🤘

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Forum software created using Express, Vue, and Sequelize

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Interesting! Vue2 + Webpack2 + HMR + Server Side Render + Express template see demo->

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这是一个用Vue ssr驱动的个人博客,具备良好的seo与功能体验,部署流程清晰简练,喜欢就请star吧~

Vue Element Starter screenshot

Vue starter with Element-UI [READY, unmaintained now]

Vue Foundation screenshot

VueJS + Foundation + Vue-Router + Webpack

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nothing here, move on..

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A Quickstart for building an Express API with a VueJS Admin Portal

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A boiler plate template using Feathers with Email Verification, Vue 2 with Server Side Rendering, stylus, scss, jade, babel, webpack, ES 6-8, login form, user authorization, and SEO

Vue2 Admin screenshot

:smiley: 【vue2项目模版】A magical vue admin template based on vue and element-ui

Focus Budget Manager screenshot

Budget Manager application built with Vue.js, Node.js, Express.js and MongoDB

Nodejs Vuejs Mysql Boilerplate screenshot

Node.js (REST API) + Vue.js/Nuxt.js (Frontend/Backend) + MySQL Boilerplate

Frontend Application screenshot

💮 ALIS Media - Frontend Application

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a music player by express & angular || vue

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Typescript Version of HackerNews Nuxt

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Vue.js Server Side Render Template with Webpack & Express

Nuxt Supabase screenshot

A supa simple wrapper around Supabase.js to enable usage within Nuxt.

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🎧 A simple SoundCloud client built with Vue and Nuxt

Leovue screenshot



Use the LEO outlining editor to create a Vue.js webapp.

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Vue.js Server Side Rendering Boilerplate without Polluting Vuex

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Use vue3 vite4 typescript eslint SSR pinia unocss vue-router element-plus scss

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Vue & Vuex & Express Hot-Reload

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Nuxt.js TodoMVC Example

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Front end for [] - an open platform live video streaming service

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基于 Vue2.0 和 eleme ui 的,针对电商行业的后台方案,包括客户管理、商品管理、订单管理等功能

Netlify Functions Express screenshot

How to use Netlify functions + express.js for serverside rendering on the JAMStack

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Vue2, Vuex 3, Vue Router 3, Element-ui and Typescript SPA project quick start kit(Vue element ui 快速开始脚手架)

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👨 A (mostly) headless blogging platform built atop Nuxt & Gist.

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:cookie: 基于vue的app模板项目,技术栈:mint-ui+vue2+vue-router+vuex+axios+echart+i18n+sass

Whatsapp Contact Sync screenshot

Easy way to sync between the contact photos on WhatsApp to Google Contacts

Fast Amap screenshot

🚀🚀🚀 一个基于 Vue 的高性能 高德地图 组件库,A High Performance AMap Component Library Based on Vue.

Seven screenshot



Eleventy template using Bootstrap, Sass, Webpack, Vue.js powered search, includes lots of other features

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The best scaffold for Vue 2.x based on vue-cli#vuejs-templates/webpack

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Sample project for using Nuxt.js to create a server-side rendered Vue.js app on AWS Lambda and AWS API Gateway.

Antv screenshot



Ant Design of Vue.js 2.0

Iview Vue Admin screenshot

iView vue Admin / An admin management system template

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QuillCMS, A Content Management System build with Node.js, Express, Nuxt.js and MongoDB.

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A shop developed with Vue2 + Vue-router + Axios + Vuex + Node + Express + MongoDB + Webpack

Nw Vue Cli Example screenshot

NW.js, Vue-CLI 4, Vue-DevTools

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☘ A starter project structure for Vue.js app.

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个人博客,技术栈:NodeJS + Express + mongoose + GraphQL + Vue 全家桶

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Vue + Express.js = VueXpress / A server side rendering engine for Express.js. Use .vue files as your express.js templates.

Vue Boilerplate screenshot

Vue 2.0 boilerplate,based on webpack and es6,includes vuex,vue-router,vue-resource, vuelidate

Nodite Light screenshot

A web framework with Vuetify & Express, use Typescript for everything.

Examples Es screenshot

Examples for using Connect with various TypeScript web frameworks and tooling.

Xcui screenshot



:fork_and_knife: A Vue.js 2.x desktop components colletion

Wertik Js screenshot

💪 A library that powers your app with GraphQL + Rest API

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[Deprecated]A Vue.js project, base on vue-webpack template(vue 2.x and vue-router 2.x), with bulma, chart.js, font awesome, Weui. Aims to be a quick start for building demo applications or product prototypes.

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A vue component library incubated from Tencent BlueKing which helps OPS in the field of front-end engineering to quickly build stable, accurate, and technologically-sense operation and maintenance tools and platforms

Vue Adminlte screenshot

AdminLTE vue starter project

Element Vue Admin screenshot

vue admin template base on element 2

Static Website screenshot

🖥 New Vue/Nuxt website for - The #1 free and open source CDN built to make life easier for developers. screenshot


Awrora Starter screenshot

Landing page template built with one of most popular javascript library Vue.JS, Vuetify (Material Design) and Nuxt.JS with SSR.

Like Co screenshot

Official site of LikeCoin - Decentralized Publishing Infrastructure.

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Human Connection is your super tool for social good! Let's go!

Nuxt Neo screenshot

Universal way to take care of data flow, server or client side

Typescript Nuxtjs Boilerplate screenshot

:bento: Nuxt.js with TypeScript and Run with docker and docker-compose 🐶🦄🔥 visit:

Typescript Nuxtjs Boilerplate screenshot

Deprecated: :bento: Nuxt.js with TypeScript and Run with docker and docker-compose

Bulma Vuejs Demo Website screenshot

A demo website based on framework Bulma (css) & vuejs (JS)

PlanningSup screenshot

Planning universitaire réalisé en Nuxt.js

Sakepedia Nuxt screenshot


Vue Stripe Subscriptions screenshot

Subscription Boilerplate with Stripe, Vue Composition API, Express, and TypeScript.